Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (LCMS)

3625 SW Wanamaker Road
Topeka, Kansas. 66614
785 271 0808
Pastor Kevin DeHope



This may contain: a purple poster with the words lent and symbols
Midweek Lenten Service

March 26th at 6:30 pm

Come for Soup and Chili and Cinnamon Rolls

Also Mac and Cheese

at 5:30 pm

4th Sunday in Lent

Saturday, March 29 - 5:00 pm

Sunday, March 30 - 10:00 am

First Reading

Isaiah 12:1-6

Second Reading

2 Corinthians 5:16-21

The Gospel Reading

Luke 5:1-3, 11-32


Video Stream at our Sunday

10:00 am Service

You can video stream on YouTube by searching for Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Topeka on You Tube.  You can set this as a subscription on YouTube if you wish.

Or you can join Facebook Live to view our video stream. Go to the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Facebook Page.

You can watch it anytime after the service as well as it will be recorded.

Hello Friends and Neighbors!

If you are interested in learning more about Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, click HERE.



Pastor DeHope's March 20th Message
Dear friends in Christ:

I had a bit of an embarrassing moment last night at our midweek Lenten service. The gospel reading (sermon text) and sermon theme on the screen were not what I had prepared for the night. What’s funny about that, is that I’m the one who planned all of it before lent began; what the theme and text would be each week and what order they would occur in. I even approved the slides on the screen, but when I wrote the sermon something went wrong. Somehow, I was out of order. I preached on next week’s theme this week.

It’s not the end of the world. Each week stands alone with a common theme of “Remembering” what God has done, and what He causes us to remember, so I can fix my mistake next Wednesday and we’ll be back on track – no harm done. That mistake did give me a moment to reflect on order and when things are out of order. If you get the pages of your speech, or the pictures for a story or your vacation “out of order” that could cause confusion or a problem. The proper sequence is necessary for it to make sense. In a courtroom, the judge may tap his gavel and shout “you’re out of order” for not following the proper rules of the court. Then there is the dreaded sign “Out of Order” on a restroom, or piece of equipment you needed to use. There was nothing worse than needing to call for a ride, only to find the pay phone out of order. And with that example I severely date myself.

Our God is a God of order. He created the world with order and maintains it. The strength of gravity is 9.80665 m/s2. The sun rises and sets each day. 1 Corinthians 14:33 reminds us: For God is not a God of confusion, but of peace”. He works within the boundaries of his creation for our good and benefit. He is a just God. So, what does he do to a world that is out of order because of sin?

He sends Jesus. God satisfies his justice with his mercy and sends his perfect, innocent, only-begotten son to the cross in our place. The great exchange takes place where Christ takes all our sin and shame to the cross and gives us in exchange his perfect righteousness which he won for us. We do not get what we deserve. Instead we get forgiveness life and salvation in the name of Christ. We live as the redeemed forgiven children of God – mistakes and all.

We pray that God would order our days and our deeds in his peace. On this Lenten journey and always, let us seek to live by the holy word of God and do his will – to God’s glory and the love and service of our neighbor.

Pastor DeHope 



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