The Parish Nurse ministry at Prince of Peace helps to care for one another by attaining, maintaining and regaining the best possible whole person's wellness of body, mind and spirit. The role of the Parish Nurse is a health counselor, referral source, and an advocate for an individual. The Parish Nurse is a blend of professional nursing and spiritual caregiving. The Parish Nurse visits members at the church and in their homes or care facilities.
Mary Hume was commissioned as the first Parish Nurse of Prince of Peace in July, 1999.
It's the Christmas season and we remember our children. Before a child receives a new toy, it's important to stop and consider if it is safe and age appropriate. Thousands of children are hurt each year due to unsafe or developmentally inappropriate toys.
Toys that can be swallowed and cause airway obstruction is one of the leading causes of death in children. Their trachea is extremely narrow, so even the tiniest of pieces from a toy can block a child's airway and cause suffocation. Also, make sure crayons and markers are labeled “nontoxic." Toys with removable magnets or “button" batteries can cause serious injuries or even death if they are ingested.
Keep in mind the child's age and development level when giving toys. If shopping for infants and children with special needs, look for toys that appeal to the senses. Let this be a safe Christmas.
Mary Hume, Parish Nurse